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Brookhaven Multimodal Plan Input – DEADLINE Friday, March 1st!

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The City of Brookhaven is updating its 2016 Bicycle, Pedestrian and Trail Plan with a Multimodal Study being conducted by its consultant, Alta Planning + Design. The initial plan has been published and input is being requested. All of the published documents can be found on the city’s website at

MCNA has reviewed all of the documents and submitted questions and feedback to the consultant via the email address: We have also provided the same to District 1 councilperson Michael Diaz ( We are encouraging homeowners to provide input prior to the March 1st, 2024 deadline.

The biggest issues identified by MCNA are proposed facilities on private property, rather than existing right of way. For homeowners in these areas, we encourage you to review the current plan and provide input. A revised map will be published (likely in March) taking into account public input received. Additionally, there will be a final public meeting (likely late March or early April) with a two-week comment period after. These comments will be considered in the final network decisions.

See below for more information, and contact MCNA via email ( if you have any questions.

Multimodal Plan Map for Murphey Candler Park Area

Multimodal Plan Map for Murphey Candler Park Area with MCNA Callouts
Map Legend

MCNA Questions/Concerns

Note: red callouts/numbers on the map above were added by MCNA to reference the bullet points below.

  1. Generally, there is not enough detail/clarity provided in the Multimodal Recommendations Network map (MCP area highlighted above) to fully understand the specific recommendations for different areas in and around Murphey Candler Park. As such, it is not possible to be able to provide fully informed input. More specifics on proposed updates are requested (i.e., alignment, side of street, materials, layout, cross section, renderings). Hopefully, more detail & specific reccomendations are provided on the revised map to be published in March.
  2. We are most concerned with proposed facilities through/across private property at the following locations:
    • a) Proposed “Sidepath/Shared Use Path” connection from Bonnington Court to an existing “Sidepath/Shared Use Path” south of D’youville Condos.
    • b) Proposed “Sidepath/Shared Use Path” connection from Oconee Pass to W Candler Lake Court.
    • c) Proposed “Sidepath/Shared Use Path” from the south side of the park eastward to connect to an existing “Sidepath/Shared Use Path” south of D’youville Condos. It appears the proposed alignment would be south of Nancy Creek and across homeowner’s property along Remington Road. We are also concerned that this section may have and adverse impact on Nancy Creek.
  3. There is a proposed “Sidepath/Shared Use Path” along both sides of Ashford Dunwoody Road from I-285 to Blackburn Park. Considering that Phase I (Lake Hearn to Oconee Pass) is under right-of-way acquisition and is only on the eastern side of Ashford Dunwoody, should the map only reflect updates to one side of the road? Will updates only be on the eastern side of Ashford Dunwoody for the entire length? More specific proposed conditions and impact to adjacent homeowner’s property are requested.
  4. The entirety of W Nancy Creek and Ashentree Drive is recommended to have what appear to be sidewalks on both sides as well as “Sidepath/Shared Use Path”. More specific proposed conditions and impact to adjacent homeowner’s property are requested.
  5. Oconee Pass, E Nancy Creek, and Oak Forest Drive/Ashwoody Trail/Ashwoody Court are recommended to be sidewalk(s) and “Neighborhood Bikeway”. More specific proposed conditions and impact to adjacent homeowner’s property are requested.
  6. The entirety of the trails around the lake are shown as an existing “Sidepath/Shared Use Path”. The existing conditions are a combination of concrete, boardwalk (wood), and natural. What are the recommended final conditions of each segment, or do they stay as they exist currently?

Next Steps

We strongly encourage residents to review the multimodal plan and submit feedback to the following email addresses on or before the Friday, March 1st, 2024 deadline.

Please contact MCNA via email ( if you have any questions.