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Community Green Survey Results

Results of the Community Green Survey are in! The survey was open to residents from January 1st through January 22nd. We received a total of 97 responses, with respondents overwhelmingly in favor of the original 2016 design for an “open space field” versus 2019/2020 plans that include a stage, concrete pavement, and retaining/seating walls.

For more information and design plans, see the Open Space Field Survey page.

89% believe current design is a change of use to conceptual plan.

88% want opportunity for public comment on current plan

88% prefer 2016 design for “open space field”

Presenting the Results

MCNA Secretary Juliet Cohen made a statement to the Brookhaven City Council regarding the Community Green Survey at the January 26th, 2021 City Council meeting. Watch the video — Juliet’s statement begins at the 51:40 mark. Read the full statement (PDF 80 KB).

The MCNA respectfully requests that the City pause any further plans on the community green and solicit public comment as it has done for the community center.

On January 29th, MCNA received a response (PDF 426 KB) from Burke Brennan, City of Brookhaven Communications Director.

The City does not agree with your characterizations of the park improvements in Murphey Chandler Park in your email. There is no amphitheater planned for Murphey Candler Park, and there will not be construction of an amphitheater in Murphey Candler Park. Attempts to portray the Community Green as an “amphitheater” is intentionally misleading to the nearby residents and the greater community.

It would be inappropriate and illegal for the City to disregard the will of the voters expressed during public input sessions beginning in 2015 and ratified in a referendum in Nov. 2018. The implementation of the projects of the Park Bond, including the projects in Murphey Candler Park are consistent of the conceptual designs of the master plans included in the bond referendum. The Park Bond Citizen Oversight Committee has been kept apprised of the progress to date and agrees the detailed design of Park Bond elements, such as the Horseshoe and Community Green, are consistent with the spirit of the master plan.

The City of Brookhaven is cognizant of your desire to change the park master plan significantly diminish and/or eliminate the Horseshoe parking and Community Green that voters approved. At this time, Brookhaven is continuing with the development of the Park Bond projects.

MCNA will note that our portrayal of the Community Green as an “amphitheater” is not unwarranted given that the Community Center design presented in the May 7, 2019 park bond project update (page 6) uses the word “amphitheater” twice.

Other News

Comments from Juliet Cohen were featured in a January 7th Reporter Newspapers article by John Ruch – Tree-cutting rekindles dispute about public review of improvements in Brookhaven’s Murphey Candler Park.

A letter to the editor from MCNA Member Pamela Burnett was also featured by Reporter Newspapers on January 16th – Oppose the destruction of natural features at Brookhaven’s Murphey Candler Park.